How are you?

How are you? How do you do? Everything alright?
Yeah, the moment you said that I knew you lied…
I know there is a battle going on in that head of yours…
But I can’t help it… I don’t even know the cause…
Bleeding brain, self-esteem disappeared in vain…
And I keep asking, any luck with the damage…? Any luck with the pain…?
I know you are in a big fight… And you still say you’re alright.
Staying strong, because you know the game is still on…
Staying brave, you act like this problem; all those secrets, you will take them to your grave.
You still won’t accept help, like you don’t want to be free…
But accepting the help will be the key.
I will let it stop, if you let your guard drop.
I will bring the sun in your life and stop all the rain…
Even if I don’t know why you have that awful fight in your brain

© Copyright Jack Oosterkamp

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Jack Oosterkamp

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