A quiet morning ...

[Topic: Behind the run down mountain temple
a Buddhist monk's retreat]

A quiet morning enters the old temple
the Sun begins to illuminate the tops of tall trees
a winding path leads to a secluded place
where a monk's dwelling hides among flora
when the mountain lights up, happy birds do their thing
like the deep clear pond his heart is void of desire
here the noise of society doesn't penetrate the silence
only the bell and the resonant stone are heard

-- 常建 (Cháng Jiàn) -- Translation by 白狐 (Bái Hú)

[tí pò shān sì hòu chán yuàn]
清晨入古寺 - qīng chén rù gŭ sì
初日照高林 - chū rì zhào gāo lín
曲徑通幽處 - qū jìng tōng yōu chù
禪房花木深 - chán fáng huā mù shēn
山光悅鳥性 - shān guāng yuè niăo xìng
潭影空人心 - tán yĭng kōng rén xīn
萬籟此俱寂 - wàn lài cĭ jù jì
惟餘鐘磬音 - wéi yú zhōng qìng yīn

[topic run-down B.-temple behind
meditation/Buddhist['s] enclosed-area]
quiet morning / enters old temple
beginning day / shines-on tall forest/trees
winding path / leads-to secluded place
monk's living-quarters / blossoms tree deep
mountain lights-up / happy bird nature
deep-pond reflection / empty person feeling
all [10000] sounds / these completely silent
only remainder / bell resonant-stone sound

[rén = people > rénxīn = public feeling, will of the people]
[wàn lài = 10000 ancient musical pipes > fig. all sounds]
[磬 qìng = ancient Chinese musical instrument,
suspended gong-like chime shaped like
an inverted 'v'; orig. made of stone]

A Buddhist Retreat Behind Broken-mountain Temple

© Copyright Shirogitsune

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Bergtempel Bhikkhu Boeddhisme Chángjiàn Moksa Stilte