Mommy, be proud of me

Mommy, be proud of me.
I've did what you asked for.
I always do
but it never seems
to be enough for you.

Why do you hate me?
Why do you do?
Yeah, I know there's
no reason to love me.

I'm just a tryer,
always try too hard.
I'm a dying person,
always cut myself
when I'm feeling low
and when I'm feeling high..

I'm standing in the poor an rain,
in the white snow,
in the warm sun,
just in every state
and I'm realizing
there's no reason to love
or to be proud of me..

But all I want mommy to do is be proud of me..

© Copyright JustAGirlCalledAlison

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Over dit gedicht

Over het gevoel dat niemand trots op je is en het enige wat je wilt is dat er toch één iemand trots op je is voor wat je doet, omdat je leeft.


Familie Mama Schaamte Triest Verdriet