Schaduwgast. [MB]

Ingebed vuur en op
de muur de gast zijn schaduw,
de dharma-meester.

Banked fire and on
the wall there the guest's shadow,
the dharma master's.

Vertaling/Translation: 白狐

[Matsuo-Bashô-811] [Winter, 1692.]
uzúmíbí ya / kabé ni wà kyakú no / kagébôshi.

"banked-fire and / there-on-wall of-guest / shadow-dharma-master."

[kagébôshi: confer MB332. Jane Reichhold drops "hôshi"
in her translation of MB811. In MB332 it's "shadow priest",
but a hôshi is a Buddhist monk that teaches dharma ("law").]

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Dharma Gast Haiku Muur Schaduw Vuur