Life thoughts.

Don’t really got the words to speak.
Don’t got the sound to sing.
Don’t got the energy to fight.

I can write.
I can make sounds.
I can listen.

I can think, but always in 2 ways.
My thoughts are never equal.

I can hear you cry like I cry.
I can hear you scream like I want to scream.
I can help you like you help me.

I’m just tired of everything.
Always another problem to solve.
Always another thing to break.
Always another thing that knocks you down.

I’m tired of the battles.
Just want to go to sleep forever.

But I can’t give up now.
If life is a play game, and the price is love.
I want to win this game.
With making my own rules.

Don’t you dare to get me of my game.
I just want to be alive.
The love can get my heart beat again.

But who is my price?

© Copyright Verwijderde gebruiker

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Verwijderde gebruiker

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Over dit gedicht

Just what I think right now.


Life Love