Why do you yell?

why do you yell?
you can wisper as well, dont walk away.
please stay, stay and tell your story.
i will listen i promise you that.
i know your story,i know what you mean.
i called for love and i thought it was romantic.
that was the big misstake i ever had.
but what if love keeps us save?
what if love keeps us brave?
please ,please,please...
don't yell,don't scream.
you make me scared,scared from your voice.
it's so loud,to loud.
i wound ask you to stay anymore.
please i can't stand the sound.
now im crying ,are you hapy now?
why do you yell?

© Copyright Verwijderde gebruiker

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Verwijderde gebruiker

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Over dit gedicht

gewoon uit mn duim gezogen ><

