À Chiya y'a . . .

From Ochi Etsujin's Monkey's Straw Raincoat.

À Chiya y'a
pas de fleuristes à cause d'un
esprit d'une sainte.

Elle s'appèle Hanà-kará-na


chiya no hanaya / horuru nin naki / rei seijo .

At Chiya florist-shop-loving*-person(s) there-is(/are)-not
soul/ghost holy-woman
[* horeru = fall in love, be attracted to/charmed with]

At Chiya there are
no florist(-lover-)s due to the spirit
of a holy woman.

She's called "Don't-cut/pluck-flowers/blossoms-!!"
Because, when you do, you have killed them . . .

* * *
Source: http://wkdhaikutopics.blogspot.nl/2010/11/ochi-etsujin.html

And many thanks to: http://tangorin.com/

© Copyright Shirogitsune

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