La nuit se met à tomber . . .

Yosa Buson: "Sur le chemin de retour après avoir visiter
la Cascade de Nunobiki avec mes disciples Taïro et Kito."

La nuit tombante --
parmi les épis de blé
une roue de moulin.

Twilight sets in --
amid ears of wheat
a waterwheel.

te midden tarwe-aren
een waterrad --


[Yosa Buson # 317, early summer.]
usu-zuku ya / ho-mugi ga naka no / mizu-guruma.

usúreru + tsúku = to-wane + starts/reaches (implying daylight)
ya = and/ -- // ho = ear(s) (of cereals)
múgi = wheat (ko-mugi); barley (ô-mugi); oats (en-baku = "tsübámè-mügi")
> respectively: little wheat/barley // big ~/~ // swallow ~/~
no/ga náka no = amid, among [ga indicates the stirring up of feelings] //
mizú-gúrúma = "water-wheel" [kurúma = wheel(s); car; vehicle; taxi.]
_ _ _

Source: "Collected Haiku of Yosa Buson",
translated by W.S. Merwin & Takako Lento,
. . . but in my opinion it leaves a lot to be desired !!

And many thanks to:

© Copyright Shirogitsune

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