Love although

We think love is not love anymore,
because we don't get what we want or how we want it.

We feel like love is not love anymore,
because the butterflies in our stomach died, and that cold breeze that we felt became hot.

We see that love is not love anymore,
because the blindness made way for a clear sight, and we have to see al the ugliness and toleration went away.

Yes, love is not love anymore,
because we never knew how to love.
We love 'because' ,we love 'if'. But what about love 'although'?
That's what we need. Just do, just like J.

© Copyright winney holband

Ingezonden door

winney holband

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Over dit gedicht

Mensen houden van elkaar omdat de ander v.b. mooie ogen heeft, een mooi figuur. Maar zo,n liefde houdt niet lang stand. Houden van iemand ondanks zijn/haar tekortkomingen is pas liefde. Onze grote voorbeeld hierin is Jezus.


Although Breeze Butterflies Hot Love Think