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The Joy of Nirvana.

203. Jighacchā(?)-paramā rogā(?) saṅkhāra-paramā dukhā
[> Roga-paramā jighacchā saṅkhāra-paramā (-asmā) dukhā (-asmā)]
Etaṃ ñatvā yathā-bhūtaṃ nibbāṇa-paramaṃ sukhaṃ.

The worst illness is hunger
the worst own making is suffering:
from this one realizes that
the best of Nirvana is joy.

Hunger paramount illness
suffering paramount own making:
truely knowing from this one realizes
that joy is paramount Nirvana.

Translation: 白狐

"hunger (word-stem) -paramount/worst (abl.) illness-from one's-own-making (word-stem) -paramount/worst (abl.) suffering-from // this (acc.) having-found-out truely nirvana (word-stem) -paramount/best (nom./acc.) joy/bliss (nom./acc.)"

Having truely understood from this, that
the worst illness is hunger,
the worst own making is suffering,
one knows that the best (of) Nirvana is joy.

parama : [adj.] superior; best; excellent. [> paramount]
jighacchā : [f.] hunger.
roga : [m.] disease; illness.
saṅkhāra : [m.] essential condition; a thing conditioned, mental coefficients.
saṅkhāradukkha : [nt.] the evil of material life.
saṅkhāraloka : [m.] the whole creation.
saṅkharoti : [saṃ + kar + o] restores; prepares; puts together. [L. conficere]
dukkha : [nt.] suffering; pain; misery; agony; discomfort. [dissatisfaction]
ñatvā : [abs. of jānāti] having known; having found out.
bhūta : [pp. of bhavati] become; existed.
yathābhūtaṃ : [adv.] in truth; in reality; in its real essence.

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The Joy of Nirvana.