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you don't need to do that

its the broken hearted girl
that always come back.
this time she find new love
this time she mean it.
but the guys don't belive her,
she do anything.
But they wont belive her,
this make her mad.
She do things that she don't need to do,
then she take a knife.
She cut herself open,
i hear the sirens in my head.
Something has called me to save her,
i have asked her what are you doing?
She says: i'm mad, mad about myself.
I asked her: what has you do because you are mad.
She says: i has eat to much, i wanna be dead.
I says: look for things to be done. you have a pretty life.
She says: I will commit suicide.
I says: Girl you don't need to do that.

After all the talk was well received she said: You saved my life and I was glad to hear

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dit gedicht gaat over 2 goede vriendinnen, die deze ideeen hebben en ik wil niet dat het gaat gebeuren

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you don't need to do that