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Gedichten check: My savior

datum 11-05-16 03:21
avatar Berichten: 47
I'm hitting Mirrors scared of my Reflection...
My girl says i'm Perfection...
If i was perfect...
Why life seems to be an act...
Damn it's a fucking movie it's giving me an excuse..
To give up and just lose...
Swallow sleeping pills i'm fucking right...
Almost done... Keep going till i see the light...
Yes i will...
Don't believe me woops there goes another pill...
I feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins...
While my life is growing pains...
I'm going insane...
Damn give me a painkiller i'm in pain...
No don't grab my hand don't tell me it'll get better...
Goodbye just read the letter...
I'm about to die....
This is the moment she says all of it is a lie...
Hugs me tight if you die I'll die Too.
Brent you're all i got You know it's True...
She takes te pills out of my hand when i start crying on her lap...
Expecting some mean words and a slap...
She hugs me and holds me close and i knew...
I was gonna make it with a guardian angel like you...
Damn i see my pills Yes babe i hesitate...
Should i do it it seems to be my faith..
Damn i seem to be a fucking bouncingball
Up and down but i don't seem to hit the ground at all..
I'm like Trump I'm delussional cuz of this wall...
Getting bullied all day... a day in my shoes....
Rock, rap , and blues...
All the way to express how i feel...
You know i'm Real...
But unbreakable i'm the man of steel..
The dad of our children dushi i'll be there...
While you sleep and i stare...
I love your smile while you sleep...
I seem to be one or another creep.
All i know it's True...
I owe my life to you...
I love you...
Naar boven


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