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Incantata sum a te

-- prima pars --

Vitam morábar in umbra
numquam sol in vultu
mi' non videbátur tam triste tamen
istum locum putábam meum ésse
nunc in lumine perlúor
aliquid plane se non recte hábet

[life abiding/holding-up-I-was in shadow
never sun(-light) on face
to-me not seeming-was-it so sad though
that-awful place reckoning-I-was mine to-be
now in light bathing-I-am
something just itself not right has]

Incantáta súm a te
quid aliud ésset ?!
quisque me aspíciat
certe sció mageian ésse
modus ést quo me líberas
me edúcis tam facile

[enchanted am-I by you
what else/other-thing could-it-be
everyone me would-look-at
for-certain know-I magic (ma-'γi:-an) to-be
manner/way is-it by-which me free-you
me bring/lead-out-you so easily]

Mundum magicum vídi
sortium manium-que volantium
semper illas res credídi
solum ego ibi áderam
tum tua potestas fulgébat
clarius qualibet mi' nóta

[a magic world seen-have-I
of-oracles of-spirits-too flying
always those things beleived-have-I
only I there being-there/at-was-I
then your power started-to-shine
brighter than-which-ever to-me known]

Incantáta súm a te
nil faciéndo a me
animum meum te-cum dúxisti
verba magica astute díxisti
tandem scíbam
omnia mea somnia vera fúerunt
crédere me fácis

[enchanted am-I by you
nothing for-doing>able-to-do/be-done by me
soul/heart my you-with brought/led-have-you
magic words cleverly said-have-you
finally knowing-was-I>started-to-know
all my dreams true been-have(-they)
believe me made-you]

Luna ad aestum
te sentíre póssum intus
incantáta súm a te
súrgens mari simile
trácta ad te resistendo inhabile
quaque unda frángo
in ekstasi perdíta
sub mea Salice me porrécta
tu me complévisti [4x]

[Moon to tide
you feel can-I inside
enchanted am-I by you
surging from/to-sea similarly
drawn to you for-resisting incapably
with-every wave/swell break-I
in extase lost
under my Willow myself spread/stretched
you me completed-have(-you)]

-- secunda pars --

Incantáta súm a te
Dea, qui hoc fíeri pótest ?!
mea memoria lúsisti
tempora dura, scisne, pertúli
Salix, nonne vídes
nil meï relictúrum íri ?!
crédere me faciébas

[enchanted am-I by you
Goddess, how this happen can(-it)
with-my memory played-have-you
hard times, you-know-?!, gone/carried-through-have-I
Willow, not see-you
nothing of-me go-to-be-left
believe me making-were-you]

Et me dólet, quia te tam ámo
sed scís et sció
cúpio crédam
semel solum fúisse
sed rectum ést recte fácere
assuefíeri non póssum
huic fastidioni
fáctae súmus, attamen
cúpio máneam [4x]

[and me pains-it, because you so love-I
but you-know and I-know
wish-I believe-w/could-I
once only been-to-have
but right-thing is-it rightly to-do
adjust/get-accustomed not can-I
to-this disgust
done (nom.fem.pl.!!) are-we, but-still
wish-I stay-w/could-I]

-- Under your spell -- Joss Whedon -- v. L. c. a 白狐 --
[From Buffy The Vampire Slayer 6th Season musical episode
"Once More With Feeling"]

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Incantata sum a te