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Forget the past

It’s time to forget the past
Go out, have fun and have a blast
Forget all the bad times you went trough
Don’t do it for me , but do it for you
I can imagine these times we’re not fun
You wanted to shoot them all with a gun
I hate them all, just like you do
Believe me girl, i know what you went through
We gotta move on girl
Talking about those asswholes makes me wanna hurl
For me they deserve death
But we’ve gotta be smarter than that
I’m like :kill ‘m all, let god sort them out
But this is not what this poem is about
It’s about ;letting the past go
Choose yourself a hero
Confide in her all your hate and fears
Don’t hold back,show those tears
Because in her you can trust
It’s an option, not a must
She’ll be there when ya need her
She’ll help you to go on further
Further with your life and dreams
Cause babygirl to me it seems
You really need a friend
Who will be there for you till the end

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Forget the past