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Nulla res vero mea est . . .

-- Carmen compositum a Mirá-bhai postquam princeps
eam veneno interfícere conatus erat --

Nulla res vero mea est praeter Krśna.
O pater materque, omnum mundum legi,
sed nil mihi studio dignum videtur.

Alienam me sentio inter novercales meas
et exsul facta sum vitis illis
causá familiaritatis cum Agyrtis.

Inter eos sedem meam repperi:
in mundo solum maestitia laboro.

Hederam sevi et patienter
lacrimis eam adspersi

et nunc profecto ea
perfugium meum percepit.

O princeps, tu mihi scyphum mortiferum
dedisti, quem hausi animo pergrato !!

Mira in Krśna se immergit
et ea cum Eo et bene sibi.

Translation from an English version: 白狐

In Roman times agyrtae were the roaming priests of Cybele.
It's hard to find an equivalent to "sadhu(s)", which literally means
> "sitter(s)" (in meditation). It put this notion in "sedes mea".

-- agyrtes (-ae = gen. sg. and nom. pl.) = beggar, mendicant.
From the Greek and the word itself is neutral and means
"someone who collects" (money for a living), but it was also used
in an abusive way, because many resorted to tricks and embarrassing
people in order to make them give them money or food. Others
prostituted themselves. Much like the hijras/hijdas in India, of whom
many are Krishna-worshipers, except they usually do not roam about.

-- mendicus = a rather abusive word in Latin, because it resounds
mendax = deceitful, mendacious,
and mendacium = lie, deceit, fabrication.

-- ὁ ἀσκητης ["o as-ki-dís"] = literally > the practiser, the athleet,
and in modern Greek it = the hermit. Sadhus and agyrtae as a rule
don't and didn't live alone and away from the secular world, for
one can be in it but not part of it !!

-- Rana > pronounce "ran" > the a is a grammar thing !!
[like > raja > "raj"]

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Nulla res vero mea est . . .