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Hodierna Scaena.

Haec nulla res morum bonorum
solum res rationis animi mei
díc mihi errem
mihi nil réfert.

Haec nulla res partiéndi aeque
cáp(i)o quidquid pósco
non cáp(i)o mihi
iniquitatem obiéctes.

Me exspéctas amanter ágere
desideria tua anticipáre
et praemio dignum ésse
te a me amplécti
et exspectáre
et exspectáre
et exspectáre
donec quiddam accídet.

Haec nulla res dicéndi veritatem
quisdam verbis me expédio
me pútes pro mendace
hoc fácias nihilominus.

Haec nulla res serviéndi ad placéndum
etsi tu ulúlas quemque diem
solum pars quam ágis
in hodierna scaena.*

Translation into Latin by 白狐.

Play for Today -- The Cure. [1980]

-- NOTES --

I stressed the verbs.

* "on the stage of-today/of-this-day/of-present-day."
quotidiana > daily, everyday
diurna > day-, daily, of a (duration of a) day

3rd Conjugation with added -i- [or 3b or 5th] >>
-p-/-c- + unstressed "-ere" > unstressed "-io",
but I doubt that in colloquial Latin verbs like cúpere and cápere
in the first person present singular were pronounced cúpjo and cápjo,
or in the other persons and tenses for that matter.

It's grammatically logical to include the -p-, but in doesn't feel right.
In the -c- case it does make a lot of sense due to the added -s- sound
> -c(h)io. And then there's the exception to the rule, e.g. dícere > díco !!
not dício, which is a noun and also spelled dítio. Fácere > fácio > -c(h)io.

And pétere > péto, not pétio, because that would infer petíre, which
isn't Latin > sítio > -t(s)io > sitíre [4th conjugation].

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Hodierna Scaena.