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Ready to live

For the first time, this blurring smoke is clarified
and words are written on paper, my soul is etched
the truth deducted from the lies, it can’t be stretched
no more, I’m ready to live I say, it’s classified

if I have to battle, so be it, for all the suffering
that I had to go through, not once but twice
I broke and healed against the highest price
there was no mercy, not even in recovering

it was never enough, not even till the bitter end
no trace of gratitude, not a grain of simple respect
for the years of loyalty I gave, I can’t forgive

nor forget, you reap what you sow, my friend
you’ll never be, this is the truth, I resurrect
from the death, I’m prepared and ready to live.

© Rudi J.P. Lejaeghere

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Ready to live