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I never thought this day would come,
I hoped this day would never come.
I `ve prayed this day would never come
But that day came.
The day I lost you
Where my true love
My true friend,
The person that allways were there for me
Would leave me
I know you see me all tore up inside,
But what else is there to do but cry.

You are watching over me day and night,
And you can feel my pain inside,
You tried to stay here on earth for me,
You fought for you life.
But God called upon you and wanted you with him.

The reason I'm still living is that
I know your waiting for my turn to go,
The day we are together again
And every time I feel like dying,
I think what would you want me to do.
And that is
Fighting with every breath i have.
Even if i`m downed to the dust
If i`m desolated,desterted and shattered
I won`t quit
I will fight
Because i know you would done the same.

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Over dit gedicht

Ik mis je nog steeds en je blijft voor eeuwig in mijn hart als ik wat van je heb geleerd is dat je nooit moet opgeven en altijd moet blijven vechten ongeacht hoe zwaar het is of als het onmogelijk lijkt. met jouw aan m`n zijde is niks onmogelijk

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